Impact of the Signal Bandwidth in an OOK-based VLC System: Evaluation in Intensive Care Applications

Klaas vd Zwaag, Lidiamara vd Zwaag, Teodiano Bastos, Helder Rocha, Francisco Santos, Marcelo Segatto, Jair Silva, LabTel, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória , 29075-910, Brazil, 2SOLVE Engenharia e Tecnologia, Vitória , 29066-370, Brazil

Monitoring of vital parameters such as temperature, pulse, blood pressure, among others, in hospital intensive care (IC) units is extremely important for rapid and effective interventions, aiming the returning to baseline conditions of patients [1]. Visible Light Communication (VLC) can provide access of vital parameters to doctor personal devices, such as smartphones and tablets [2]. As an Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) technology, VLC uses the unlicensed light spectrum with light sources to provide enough modulation bandwidth for high data rate transmissions.

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The conference focuses on leading edge research on Optical Wireless Communication in its different forms and gathers experts from academia and industry to show their latest technical results and showcase their products and services. The application scope is broad and it ranges from Ultra-short range to Ultra-long range.

Conference topics cover visible light communication, infrared optical and ultraviolet communication. These different forms of OWC can potentially be employed in a diverse range of communication applications ranging from optical interconnects within integrated circuits through outdoor inter-building links to free-space satellite communications.

The following topics are being covered during the conference:

  • Ultra-short range: for instance chip-to-chip communications in stacked and closely packed multi-chip packages
  • Short range: For instance wireless personal area network (WPAN) applications under standard IEEE 802.15.7 and underwater communications.
  • Medium range: indoor IR and visible light communications (VLC) for wireless local area networks (WLANs) and inter-vehicular and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications.
  • Long range: inter-building connections, also called free-space optical communications (FSO).
  • Ultra-long range: Laser communication in space especially for inter-satellite links and establishment of satellite constellations

This paper was presented during the conference which took place during the Photonics Applications Week.

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